Using the PathOS handbook to evaluate the impact of Open Research

Content overview

The PathOS project, funded by Horizon Europe, is committed to uncovering concrete evidence regarding the impacts of Open Science (OS). It aims to document all steps from initial input to final impact, considering outcomes, enabling factors, and barriers. Recognizing the importance of understanding OS pathways, PathOS seeks to identify and quantify the Key Impact Pathways of Open Science relating to the research system and its interrelations with economic and societal actors. PathOS will enable a new understanding of OS impacts and their causal mechanisms through its workplan encompassing actions to synthesize and structure current evidence, development of new methods and tools for measuring impact, iterative pilot-testing via in-depth case studies, innovative dissemination and networking, and co-creation synthesis activities culminating in policy recommendations.

The training delivered by the PathOS project will focus on the OS Indicator Handbook, Introduction into Causality in science studies, and dive deeper into Academic Impact, Societal Impact, and Economic Impact.

Also in this training session will be a pedagogical unit, which will support attendees to deliver the content provided by the PathOS project at their institution.

Learning objectives

By the end of this training, participants will be able to support individuals at their institution to:

  • Assess the Impact Pathways: Identify and critically evaluate the various impact pathways of Open Science, including academic, economic, and societal impacts.
  • Employ Measurement Tools: Understand methods and tools for measuring the impacts of Open Science, leveraging the insights from the OS Indicator Handbook.
  • Understand Causal Inference: Navigate the complexities of causal inference in Open Science, distinguishing between direct impacts and the effects attributable to Open Science practices.

    Completion criteria

    Participants will receive UKRN accreditation if they:

    • Attend training session and participate in discussions and Q&A sessions.

    Complete any assigned pre-reading or preparatory activities.


      This training is designed for all who are interested in the research evaluation and Open Science, e.g.:

      • R&I Policy Makers & Policy Officers
      • University/RPO Executives and Managers
      • Research Infrastructure Managers
      • Research Librarians/Research Support Staff
      • OS Experts/Researchers
      • Scientometricians & Meta-science R&I Evaluators
      • (Open Access) Publishers
      • Research Funders

      Level (Introduction, intermediate, advanced)

      Intermediate to Advanced

      Prerequisite skills, expertise and experience

      Participants should have a foundational understanding of Open Science principles and familiarity with current challenges and opportunities in the research ecosystem.

      Attendees will need to make themselves familiar with the PathOS handbook prior to attending sessions.

      Overall likely time commitment

        The entire training session will last for the whole day. Additionally, participants should expect to spend an estimated 3 hours on pre-reading and preparatory activities.

        Event date and time

        12th March 2025, 09.00-17.00

          Registration deadline

          14th January 2025

          Training partner




          Cost to institution per participant


          Number of attendees



          A UKRN evaluation will be delivered via the Community of Practice.


          For information about how to apply, please contact your institution’s Open Research Coordinator and Administrator (linked via this page).

          For specific course content queries:

          For general information regarding the UKRN ORP training, please contact: