Preregistration and Registered Reports

Content overview

This Preregistration & Registered Reports Train-the-Trainer curriculum is developed by the Center for Open Science (COS) to provide participants an opportunity to strengthen their knowledge and practical skills in preregistration and registered reports and learn about how to teach about these topics to other researchers or practitioners within their institutions or communities. Upon completion, a Certification of Completion will be jointly issued by UKRN and COS as recognition.

Through real world examples and hands-on activities, participants will walk through the reasoning for preregistration and Registered Reports, identify appropriate templates, and create appropriate documentation. In parallel, the pedagogical methods used to develop, facilitate, and adapt the modules to participant communities of research will be shared, discussed, and demonstrated.

All activities and resources will be prepared, implemented, and made available with an appropriate license in OSF, a dynamic, free project management tool.

Learning objectives

  • Describe preregistration and why it is important
  • Identify the appropriate preregistration template for your study and for the studies that your trainees are likely to need
  • Describe the differences between preregistration and registered reports
  • Identify journals that accept registered reports
  • Complete, share, and update a preregistration
  • Explain why preregistration and registered reports are relevant to your community
  • Develop measurable learning objectives
  • Adapt course materials to suit the needs of your community
  • Measure the learning of your community

Completion criteria

Create at least one deliverable and provide it to a relevant research community, within 3 months after the training session. For example, you could present at a department seminar, lead a conference workshop, or give a lecture in your program. A written deliverable may be used as an alternative.

Examples might include a primer for a specific discipline, lecture notes for students, a guided classroom activity, or other similar materials. Participants may choose to create the deliverable as a team or individually. It is required to discuss your deliverable plan during an office hour or a one-on-one consultation session.

We request that any new or adapted materials developed by participants be shared with an appropriate license on OSF, and that these and any assessment outcomes or other proof of delivery be shared with COS.


  • Researchers
  • Research support staff
  • Graduate students
  • Primary investigators


Introductory, intermediate.

Prerequisite skills, expertise and experience

General familiarity with research processes

Overall likely time commitment

  • 4 training hours
  • 1 office hour
  • 10 hours creating and presenting deliverables

Event date and time

  • 1st May, 1400-1800 BST

Office Hours: 20th-24th May
Deliverables due: 23:59 BST, 9th August 2024

Registration deadline

19th April 2024

Training partner

Center for Open Science



Cost to institution per participant

700 USD, with 20% discount if the individual has taken the Open Scholarship Train-the-Trainer Program

Number of attendees



Application form