Swansea Case Study Profile
Case study institutional profile templateSection 1: Institutional Profile
Institution’s Name: Swansea University
Type of Institution: Research/teaching intensive, research institute, discipline specific
Section 2: Open and Responsible Research Assessment – Current Strategic Activity
Please outline any current initiatives that address recognition and reward for open research within the context of research assessment practices, e.g., recruitment, promotion, probation and annual performance development review (max 250 words).
Swansea University became a DORA signatory in 2018. We restated our commitment to Open Research (OR) Practices following the appointment of Professor Helen Griffiths as PVC for Research & Innovation (R&I) in 2020, through our new R&I Strategy. In support of our Research Culture and OR ambitions, the role of Deputy PVC for Research Culture was inaugurated in December 2021. Further commitment to OR practices is being developed through Swansea’s signatory of CoARA and serving as co-lead of the National Chapter.
We’ve developed a Research Culture action plan, aligned to University strategies which in part responds to CEDARS (Culture, Employment and Development of Academic Researchers Survey) results. The five areas for focus within the action plan are; enabling excellence in responsible research, recognizing diverse contributions, developing careers, connecting and belonging, and wellbeing. Across all there are actions related to recognition and reward. Notably, a review of Academic Career Pathways (ACP) is at an advanced stage now, with a focus on a move to narrative CV submissions and embracing OR recognition along with a far broader set of measures. The PVCR&I has responsibility for reform of Research Assessment within the ACP group. A stakeholder group representative of disciplines and career stages, supports the work of ACP reform. Revised ACP guidance is being developed, including the recognition and reward of OR practices.
We’ve become an Institutional member of UKRN to further engage in best practice across the sector.
Internally we have formed an OR working group which reports into the University senate’s Research, Innovation and Impact Committee. This group informs the new research publication policy for example.
Section 3: Open and Responsible Research Assessment – Planned Activity
Please outline any planned activity to address recognition and reward for open research within the context of research assessment reform (max 250 words).
Within our research culture action plan we have committed to many actions related to open research. In particular, there are commitments to training throughout our areas for focus. For example, under ‘Enabling excellence in responsible research’ we have committed to training in research integrity, as well as open research and open innovation, specifically noting UKRN OR4 commitment.
‘Recognising diverse contribitions’ focus areas include; technician commitment and growing Wales Innovation Network (WIN) technician network, CoARA commitments including implementing the new Career Pathways (responsible research assessment in policies and procedures for the recruitment, promotion and appraisal of researchers: to recognise the collaborative contribution of staff to research ecosystem institutionally, nationally and internationally, use of R4RI in applications, etc., and beginning to embed these practices in professional development reviews). This section also includes action on ‘Incentivising Open Research practices’ which is the basis of proposed OR4 case study. Essentially, planned activity involves moving the action plan, via an OGSM (Objectives, Goals, Strategies and Measures) model, into the operation and implementation phase.
More broadly, we plan to develop a communications plan highlighting progress on development of open research and innovation and the successes against research culture action plan, encouraging widest participation. This will include awareness raising and profile for open research and its benefit for the broader research community and beyond academia. We will consider including Open Research awards in 2026 University Research and Innovation awards cycle.
Within CoARA commitments, the UK National Chapter plans to deliver information sessions for potential CoARA members, organise quarterly members’ meetings, coordinate input to CoARA working groups, and engage with other organisations involved in research assessment reform activities.