Section 1: Institutional Profile

Institution’s Name: The University of Sunderland

Type of Institution: Teaching intensive

Section 2: Open and Responsible Research Assessment – Current Strategic Activity

Please outline any current initiatives that address recognition and reward for open research within the context of research assessment practices, e.g., recruitment, promotion, probation and annual performance development review (max 250 words).

The University of Sunderland (UoS) is at the beginning of a process to recognise and reward Open Research (OR). The focus has been on Open Access (OA) and the university has had an OA policy in place since 2016.

Recent appointments and initiatives are increasingly demonstrating the ambition of the university to promote OR and ensure that staff are properly trained.  UoS is at the beginning of a journey to develop its research portfolio and support its researchers to adopt OR practices. This is in line with its strategic mission to be society shaping and to create impactful research.

The university is a signatory of DORA, a stepping stone for reforming research assessment away from metrics such as Journal Impact Factors.

Current initiatives aim to raise awareness and train our researchers some of whom are coming from practice rather than academic backgrounds.

  • In 2023, Research Culture Fellows were appointed to support and develop research culture. This encompassed looking at processes around data and ethics as well as researcher development and enhancing support for researcher by addressing barriers and challenges. These streams of work embedded OR as a principle.
  • Since July 2023, two positions were created in the library to support and advocate Open Access and provide data management advice to staff.
  • The more recent appointment of a Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Global Engagement will support the strategic vision for Open Research.
  • Human Resources is currently reviewing its processes through a range of workstream including rewards, recognition and promotion.

Section 3: Open and Responsible Research Assessment – Planned Activity

Please outline any planned activity to address recognition and reward for open research within the context of research assessment reform (max 250 words).

As part of the OR4 project, the first step will be to develop the university’s strategic support for Open Research. This will be achieved by the creation of an Open Research statement supported by the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Global Engagement.

The Research and Scholarly Communications Librarian will lead on a small project to enhance the awareness of Open Research amongst the academic community. This is supported by the Research Office. This project will advocate Open Research practices to staff and Postgraduate Research Students. This will help to develop and advocate good research practices and ensure the integrity, reproducability and quality of the University’s research. It is a stepping stone to the creation of a network of OR champions. The project is planned to start in June 2024 and aims to increase the adoption of OR and to demonstrate the University’s support for OR.

A Research Data Management Policy will be communicated to staff. New training will be provided to staff to support Open and FAIR data practices, the adoption of Open licences (CC licences for instance), and the use of pre-registration and pre-prints.

The initiatives will be linked to work conducted by Human Resources to review its appraisal, recognition,promotion, policy & procedure and recruitment and selection processes to include support for OR.

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