Queen's University Belfast Case Study Profile
Case study institutional profile templateSection 1: Institutional Profile
Institution’s name: Queen’s University Belfast
Type of institution: Research/teaching intensive
Section 2: Open and Responsible Research Assessment – Current Strategic Activity
Please outline any current initiatives that address recognition and reward for open research within the context of research assessment practices, e.g., recruitment, promotion, probation and annual performance development review (max 250 words).
- Open Research Roadmap in place to coordinate wider institutional approaches to open science, overseen by institutional Open Research Group
- Signatory to DORA, with associated guidance provided to assessment panels
- Tailored training workshops for academics on mitigating bias in research assessment decisions and processes
Section 3: Open and Responsible Research Assessment – Planned Activity
Please outline any planned activity to address recognition and reward for open research within the context of research assessment reform (max 250 words).
- Development of an institutional Responsible Research Assessment Policy currently underway to formalise DORA obligations, to be reviewed by Research Committee in April 2024
- Keeping a watching brief on CoARA and potential signatory status
- Ongoing process to review and revise academic progression process and associated profiles, which will include greater recognition of OR and RRA