Teaching Reproducible Research and Open Science Conference

Teaching Reproducible Research and Open Science Conference

The University of Sheffield was pleased to host a three day ‘Teaching Reproducible Research and Open Science Conference,’ on June 20-22 as part of the UKRN’s Open Research Training Programme. Project TIER’s Norm Medeiros and Richard Ball led talks, seminars and...

Open Research Programme: May 2023 update

Back in December I said that I would try to provide regular updates here on the UKRN Open Research Programme; apologies for not having done this as much as I would have liked; it has been a busy time. Several more UKRN institutions have expressed interest in being a...
UKRN First Working Paper on Training Priorities and Resources

UKRN First Working Paper on Training Priorities and Resources

Following a recent survey of UKRN institutions, UKRN have identified a range of training priorities and resources aimed at accelerating the uptake of high quality open research practices. Although many high-quality resources exist within UKRN institutions, only 10.5%...
Rights retention: A Primer from UKRN

Rights retention: A Primer from UKRN

When authors retain the rights to their accepted manuscripts, they and others are able to reuse that material for research, teaching, in books, online, and to meet funder open access requirements. UKRN today releases another in its series of primers to introduce key...
UKRN-Jisc report on collaborating across diverse professions

UKRN-Jisc report on collaborating across diverse professions

Without a whole range of professional and technical staff in institutions, open research would be next to impossible. The skills and roles needed to enable open research can be found right across an institution, from the library to the marketing and communications...