Leisure/Hospitality and Tourism

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Examples of open research practices

Open Methods: MethodsX is an open-access journal where methods used in research studies can be regularly updated by authors and viewed by readers in order to gain precise insight into the methods used and how they could be replicated. An example of its usage is Jillian Student and colleagues’ recent paper which explored the factors affecting coastal tourism using an agent-based modelling approach featuring human-environmental interactions. Specifics of the model can be accessed and viewed on MethodsX.

(Student, J., Kramer, M. R., and Steinmann, P. (2020). Simulating emerging coastal tourism vulnerabilities: an agent-based modelling approach. Annals of Tourism Research, 85. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2020.103034)


General Resources

Open Methods

Resources required – please complete the Google form if you can input here.  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfs-BCYWGet5QNZAWQ8IQVZ05TAUUwvD4mkc31Ehrm5tK8q3Q/viewform

Open Data

  • Ardito, L., Cerchione, R., Del Vecchio, P. and Raguseo, E. (2019). Big data in smart tourism: challenges, issues and opportunities. Current Issues in Tourism, 22(15), 1805-1809. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2019.1612860

Open Outputs

This page is adapted and extended from: Farran, E. K., Silverstein, P., Ameen, A. A., Misheva, I., & Gilmore, C. (2020, December 15). Open Research: Examples of good practice, and resources across disciplines. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/3r8hb