University of Glasgow

UKRN links

Institutional Lead: Lisa DeBruine

Local Network Lead: Lisa DeBruine

Administrative Lead: Valerie McCutcheon

Open Research

The University open research webpage describes open research practices and available support. 

There are public facing repositories for publications, research data,and thesis.

Open Research is underpinned by many policies including:

The Code of Good Practice in Research which incorporates open research.

The Policy for Intellectual Property and Rewarding Participation in Commercialisation facilitates sharing of outputs.

The Research Publication and Copyright Policy supports rights retention to authors accepted manuscripts.

We have an Open Research Coordination group and are slowly growing a network of open research champions and a generic discussion area for open research at Glasgow.  

We very much hope that the UKRN train- the-trainer strand will help us take further steps in broadening our support for open research.

Supporting Open Research

The University signed up to The Researcher Development Concordat and is committed to improving the employment and support for researchers.

The University of Glasgow are an endorsing organisation of the Action Plan for Diamond Open Access 


The central open research pages include training, links to open research resources, and detailed advice and support for open access and research data management.  

Open research is covered in our staff and postgraduate Research Data Management and Research Integrity training, which is offered both asynchronously via Moodle and in tailored in-person sessions.

Training opportunities are advertised and managed via the training portals in our Human Resources and Student systems. 

Open Research training opportunities are developed in consultation with the Researcher Development team who support training centrally. Researcher training is overseen by the Research Planning and Strategy Committee. 

Local and subject-specific training offerings are also available to any groups of staff and students on request alongside locally sourced training.

Responsible Research Assessment / Recognition and Reward for open research

The University of Glasgow has a statement on responsible metrics.   This statement aligns with the Leiden Manifesto.

The University is a signatory to the San Francisco Declaration on Metrics Assessment (DORA) and endorses the Hong Kong Principles for assessing researchers.

Open research is a factor considered in our researcher recruitment and promotion processes.  These reference other open standards such as the TOP guidelines and FAIR data principles.

University values include “Integrity and Truth”

The University supports narrative Curriculum Vitae.  This contributes to qualitative assessment.

Research Ethics and Integrity

The University has produced resources on Research Integrity and conducts research business in accordance with Universities UK’s Concordat to Support Research Integrity. There is a network of Research Integrity Champions and Advisors across the four Colleges. This area of work is managed by a Research Governance and Integrity team who also run the university’s mandatory Research Integrity training for staff and PGRs.

Non-clinical Research Ethics processes are embedded within our four Colleges, overseen by the University Ethics Committee which reports to the Senate. Clinical research ethics is overseen by our Research Governance manager. The Ethics landing page brings together all relevant policies and links.

Management Structure

The Research Planning and Strategy Committee is the main committee to which governance questions and information around open research are directed.  Key policy changes are reviewed and ratified by the Senate.

Each of the four Colleges has a research and knowledge exchange committee that is utilised to facilitate communications and solicit expert advice and feedback.

Open Research Action Plan

The University has identified Open Research as one of the 5 key areas in the Research Culture action plan

 More detailed tasks are outlined in local work plans.  

Key deliverables are reported back to the Research Planning and Strategy Committee.