Octopus: The new primary research record


Registration for this event has closed Octopus is a project partner of UKRN, which sets out to be the new primary research record of science. Rather like taking the concept […]

Local Network Leads summer retreat

Cumberland Lodge The Great Park, Windsor, United Kingdom

A summer retreat for UKRN Local Network Leads, to facilitate professional development and community building. If you're a Local Network Lead and would like more information about the summer retreat, […]

Local Network Lead: online workshop series – Meet the Steering Group


The first of 12 monthly online workshops, to support the development of UKRN's Local Network Leads. Attendance is open to active Local Network Leads. If your institution doesn't already have a local network, please feel free to contact us to learn more about establishing one at your institution: contact@ukrn.org

Open scholarship beyond the lab


Registration for this event has closed How relevant is the open research and scholarship agenda to the arts, humanities and social science disciplines? As momentum builds to make scientific research more accountable and transparent, through the use of open research initiatives, such as pre-registration of research projects and the use of preprints, this is a […]