Section 1: Institutional Profile

Institution’s name: University of Derby

Type of institution: Teaching intensive, research informed across the Arts, Humanities, Education, Business, Law, Social Sciences, Sciences, Engineering, Health and Social Care)

The University of Derby is a problem-centric, solution-focused university with a desire to shape tomorrow, today. It is home to a team of expert researchers who are renowned for specialising in areas of critical importance for the future, including climate change and zero carbon. Our research strengths are vast, and our interests include pioneering coral spawning techniques, uncovering HPV cancer causes, supporting businesses in developing leaner supply chains, nature connectedness and generating clean solar energy for rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa. Our students have incredible opportunities to get involved in active research and to help move the University of Derby in new directions, while making a positive, real world impact around the globe.

Section 2: Open and Responsible Research Assessment – Current Strategic Activity

Please outline any current initiatives that address recognition and reward for open research within the context of research assessment practices, e.g., recruitment, promotion, probation and annual performance development review (max 250 words).

Current strategic activities are related to academic promotion and the selection of outputs for research assessment exercises.

Internal academic promotion and conferment of Associate Professor and Professor roles is underpinned by the University Responsible Metrics statement and guidance about the metrics that applicants may use to support their applications where relevant. Individual guidance, from the Library Research Team, is also available to applicants to support the responsible use of metrics in their applications. Defined internal promotion panel membership ensures a consistency of approach when considering applications.

For the assessment of outputs for REF 2029, the University maintains a focus on the criteria identified by REF i.e. Originality, Significance and Rigour, based on peer review (self, internal and external) with specific defined metrics to be used to support consideration of the output’s quality where appropriate. To maintain focus on the qualitative assessment of outputs reviewers (internal and external) are provided with guidance about the expectations of the written ‘review’ required for each output. The individual output reviews are considered by Unit of Assessment panels which have a defined membership to maintain a consistency of approach. Feedback to research has a developmental focus.

Guidance about responsible metrics and research metrics is available to all staff, regardless of involvement in recruitment or promotion, via online materials and training sessions delivered by Library colleagues. Develop@Derby, a library-facilitated skills provision which is also offered through the University’s Researcher Development and MyLearning programmes.

Section 3: Open and Responsible Research Assessment – Planned Activity

Please outline any planned activity to address recognition and reward for open research within the context of research assessment reform (max 250 words).

The University is currently refreshing and revising the institutional Innovation and Research Strategy, in the context of updates to the University’s Strategy and other drivers, including the People, Culture and Environment requirements for REF 2029.  The significance of open research is recognised and this strategic refresh will determine future priorities and the direction of travel in relation to recognition and reward for open research, which will build on what has already been achieved. This will include consideration of,

  • developing the responsible metrics approach taken with internal promotion and conferment to include recruitment.
  • the inclusion of a responsible metrics approach to support the consideration of ‘Individual Research Plans’

Additionally, the University’s planned academic professional development framework, will provide an additional approach to developing an open research culture across the university.

The University’s trajectory of activity in this area will be supported by its membership of the UK Chapter of CoARA (Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment) and the development of its CoARA and Concordat for Research Development action plans.

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