- 1 Data Sharing – From Planning to Publishing (Online)
- 1.1 Content overview
- 1.2 Learning objectives
- 1.3 Completion criteria
- 1.4 Audience
- 1.5 Level (Introduction, intermediate, advanced)
- 1.6 Prerequisite skills, expertise and experience
- 1.7 Overall likely time commitment
- 1.8 Event date, time and location
- 1.9 Registration deadline
- 1.10 Training partner
- 1.11 Cost to institution per participant
- 1.12 Number of attendees
- 1.13 Evaluation
- 1.14 Application
Data Sharing – From Planning to Publishing (Online)
Content overview
This Train the Trainer workshop will provide the skills to plan and deliver a workshop on research data management.
Content will include identifying trainees, selecting content appropriate to your audience, planning an overall training workshop and its content blocks, delivering a workshop, and gaining feedback from your audience. Using the core blocks of Data Management Plans (DMPs), data storage, sensitive data, and data sharing and citing, attendees will be able to construct training appropriate to the specific needs of their audience whether they are people with specialist knowledge within a project or school or whether they are delivering more broadly to all university researchers.
The course contains a half-hour refresher on research data management which allows participants to reflectively engage with the content that will be appropriate to their audience and develop examples relevant to sharing research data. Participants will be able to share their own examples and adapt the training to suit the trainees they wish to target.
The refresher training will help embed the importance of planning for sharing research data from the beginning of a project to the publication of data and articles at the end of the research lifecycle, whilst contextualising it within the broader themes of reproducibility and research integrity. It will cover the rationales, policies and challenges involved in sharing research data openly and/or under FAIR principles, including planning your data collection and research design to obtain consent for sharing, repository options available to researchers to share data, and the latest best practice.
Learning objectives
Learning objectives for the train-the-trainer course are to:
- Have a thorough understanding of how preparing for data sharing starts with the data management plan, and continues throughout the collection and analysis stages of the research project, so this is interwoven throughout the courses developed by attendees.
- Develop knowledge and skills to apply participatory exercises that help researchers cultivate good research data management principles.
- Develop reflective practices to improve their understanding and skills in planning research training and design.
- Identify and design training for their own audiences.
Completion criteria
Participants are expected to:
- Attend the day’s training (9:00-17:00) in full and participate in the exercises, and attend a follow up meeting organised 6 months after the training
- Create, commit and discuss a training plan at their local institutions
- Train at least 10 participants at their local institutions in the period of 6 months following the training
Anyone welcome, but especially useful for those involved in research where data concerns human participants – e.g. surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc. and for those involved in ethical review.
Level (Introduction, intermediate, advanced)
Introductory, intermediate.
Prerequisite skills, expertise and experience
Participants will be sent material to read, and links to online modules to do prior the training, but this is aimed at those familiar with research processes and lifecycle.
Overall likely time commitment
- Up to two hours preparation
- One day training
- Follow up meeting of up to two hours
Participants who attend this session will also have the option of attending the ‘Sensitive data sharing’ bolt on training session.
Event date, time and location
The course will run twice, both with the time commitment listed above:
- 28th January 2025, 09.00-17.00 (online)
- 4th March 2025, 09.00-17.00 (in person, London, venue tbc)
Registration deadline
14th January 2025
Training partner
Research Data Service, University of Bristol
Cost to institution per participant
Number of attendees
Maximum 25
If the course is oversubscribed, a panel will make decision on the applicants based on answers in the application form
A UKRN evaluation will be delivered via the Community of Practice.
For information about how to apply, please contact your institution’s Open Research Coordinator and Administrator (linked via this page).
For specific course content queries:
For general information regarding the UKRN ORP training, please contact: