UKRN Community Project
A one-year project supported by UKRI and Institutional partnersThe Community Project will support the UKRN Local Network Leads (LNLs) to enable them to be more effective both locally and nationally. It will provide institutions with the means to accelerate the uptake of high quality open research practices and provide funders and publishers with support to explore new opportunities to work together. The project will also work with national Reproducibility Networks, mainly in Europe, to support inter-Network activities. A range of resources, opportunities and activities will be created.

September 2023 Newsletter

2023 UKRN Local Network Lead Retreat
Written by Vicky Hellon and Alden Conner, The Alan Turing Institute, UK. The UKRN Local Network Leads (LNLs) are the network’s grassroots reproducibility representatives and points of contact at their respective institutions. There are 79 LNLs across 66 institutions...