UKRN Community Project
A one-year project supported by UKRI and Institutional partnersThe Community Project will support the UKRN Local Network Leads (LNLs) to enable them to be more effective both locally and nationally. It will provide institutions with the means to accelerate the uptake of high quality open research practices and provide funders and publishers with support to explore new opportunities to work together. The project will also work with national Reproducibility Networks, mainly in Europe, to support inter-Network activities. A range of resources, opportunities and activities will be created.

Spotlight on open research at Solent University, Southampton
Recently Diane Hird, the Local Network Lead (LNL) Community Project Coordinator, met with LNL Dr James Steele to learn more about open research activities at Solent University. This blog is the result of that conversation. Huge thanks to James for his time. Dr James...

A truly international day for national Reproducibility Networks
The first in-person meeting of national Reproducibility Network (RN) representatives took place in the Berlin Institute of Health Quest Centre in May 2024, and we thank Ulf Tölch and his colleagues for their warm welcome and excellent hospitality. Representatives...

The 2024 LNL Retreat in Newcastle
A central feature of the UKRN is supporting its grassroots community of over 90 local network leads (LNLs) from 80 UK universities (see list here). One way - among many - the UKRN does this is by hosting an annual retreat over several days. The aim is to strengthen...

Spotlight on open research at Queen’s University Belfast
Recently Diane Hird met with the two new LNLs at Queen’s University in Belfast, Dr Joost Dessing and Bethan Iley, to learn more about their work and open research at Queen’s. This blog is the result of that conversation. Huge thanks to Joost and Bethan for their time....

April 2024 LNL Newsletter
The April newsletter has just been published with lots of news, events and resources for our Local Network Leads and their network members.