The UKRN is delighted to welcome eLife and the Hidden REF as new stakeholders, strengthening a shared commitment to improving research practices and fostering inclusive recognition within the scientific community. eLife is a non-profit organization dedicated to...
We are delighted to welcome Savita Rana as the new chair of the UKRN Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee. Savita Rana is the Associate Director of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London. We offer our...
We are excited to announce the release of a new impact case study, UKRN: Supporting Improvements to Biomedical Research Using Antibodies. The OGA (Only Good Antibodies) community joined UKRN in 2024 as a way to further its aims to improve research quality and...
Earlier this week we released UKRN Working Paper 7, which details some of the issues in conducting research with vulnerable communities and makes a number of recommendations. These include support for research co-production methods (see the UKRN primer on community...