Dec 11, 2023 | Blog, News
Celebrating the contribution of Early Career Researchers to research improvement Have you, or someone you know, achieved or contributed something special to improve research or promote open research practices? UKRN are seeking nominations for the Dorothy Bishop Prize,...
Dec 7, 2023 | Blog, LNL Community Project
Recently Diane Hird, the Local Network Lead (LNL) Community Project Coordinator, met with LNL Dr Sarah Gunn to learn more about open research activities at Leicester. This blog is the result of that conversation. A huge thanks to Sarah for her time. Dr Sarah...
Nov 23, 2023 | Blog, News
– by Anna Ploszajski, UKRN Story Associate Storytelling is an incredibly powerful toolbox for researchers to disseminate their work to each other and the public. But the way that researchers are framing their stories may not be serving researchers, research, or...