Open Research across Disciplines
How the principles of open research can be applied to your disciplineBiological Sciences
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Case Studies
UKRN case study: Quantitative biology and protein production in cells
University of Glasgow case study: Research Data Management in Natural History
University of Manchester case study: WorkflowHub open registry for the life science community to openly share, find and reuse data processing pipelines
University of Newcastle case study: Establishing Open Standards for Quality control and Reproducibility in Light Microscopy
University of Newcastle case study: Measuring Behaviour Better. My attempt to lead the Open Science journey in behavioural biology
University of Newcastle case study: (The First) Ten Years of the Newcastle Urban Observatory
University of Reading case study: Building Open Lab Hardware to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance (PDF, 175kB)
University of Sheffield case study: Dr Alice Pyne on DNA supercoiling and molecular recognition
University of Surrey case study: Training scientists to use genomics programs | University of Surrey
Examples of open research practices
Open Data: Using and contributing to open data. Examples are reported in Table 1 of Feng et al. (2019), such as: “Species distribution records were collected from the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS;, accessed February 2016), from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF;, accessed January 2016), the Reef Life Survey (RLS;, accessed February 2016) and for a few species via personal communications (Bosch et al., 2018).” (From Feng et al (2019). A checklist for maximizing reproducibility of ecological niche models. Nat Ecol Evol 3, 1382–1395.
Open Data: Working alongside ‘Open Microscopy’, Glencoe Software have developed and adopted Open Microscopy Environment – Next-Generation File Formats (OME-NGFF). This is a new “Cloud-friendly data format for multi-D bioimaging data using… It has been designed from its inception to work with scalable, cloud-based data resources and for public or shared data repositories used for AI training and data publication. There are examples of using OME-NGFF for whole slide imaging (as in digital pathology), high content screening and 3D imaging of large tissue samples.”. (OME-NGFF in action; Glencoe Software, Inc.)
General Resources
- MOOC: an introduction to Open Science principles in biomedicine, life sciences and other related research fields.
- Taylor, B. and Woods, S. (2020) Reflections on the practice of Responsible (Research and) Innovation in synthetic biology, New Genetics and Society, 2, 127-147,
- Open innovation in the life sciences. Conference, training, public lectures.
- Open workshops, seminars, and tools in plant pathology.
- Open resources about biological sciences to share, exchange expertise.
- Mentoring and training program for Open Science ambassadors.
- Open, digital and collaborative space for biological and medical research. Workflows, data, workshops, funding.
- Agricultural and food sciences community. Scope: to provide access to publications, research data, projects and software related to the field. Includes the following tabs of sharable resources: publications, research data, software, other research.
- Munafò, M., Noble, S., Browne, W. et al. (2014) Scientific rigor and the art of motorcycle maintenance. Nat Biotechnol 32, 871–873 (2014).
Open Methods
- Recorded talk on preprints.
- Repository of mathematical models of biological and biomedical systems.
- Experimental Design Assistant. A web-based platform that can be used to help plan studies with animals.
- Resource Identification Initiative. A webpage that collates unique identifiers for referencing a research resource.
- University of Sheffield discipline-specific guidance on how to make research data and software FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable & reusable). This pilot was conducted in seven departments across the University: Architecture, Biosciences, English, Geography, Mechanical Engineering, Psychology, and the School of Health and Related Research. You can find the full set of checklists from the pilot departments at:
Open Data
- Life sciences dataset.
- UK Biobank.
- GenBank: an annotated collection of publicly available genetic sequences, maintained by the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).
- Biology resources (standards, databases, data policies) registered in FAIRsharing:
- The FAIR Cookbook is a collection of birds-eye view recipes on the FAIR components, the infrastructure needed, and a set of applied examples in the Life Sciences, offering a deep dive in technical aspects of FAIR data management. This is a ‘live resource’, because recipes are added and improved, collaboratively and iteratively, in an open manner. The objective of the FAIR Cookbook is to develop and disseminate guidance and processes needed to make and keep data FAIR in the Life Sciences.
Open Outputs
- Preprint repositories.
- Open Access Journals
This page is adapted and extended from: Farran, E. K., Silverstein, P., Ameen, A. A., Misheva, I., & Gilmore, C. (2020, December 15). Open Research: Examples of good practice, and resources across disciplines.