University of Leeds Case Study Profile
Case study institutional profile templateSection 1: Institutional Profile
Institution’s name: University of Leeds
Type of institution: Research intensive
The University of Leeds is one of the largest universities in the UK. We’re a research-intensive university and are renowned globally for the quality of our research and teaching.
Section 2: Open and Responsible Research Assessment – Current Strategic Activity
Please outline any current initiatives that address recognition and reward for open research within the context of research assessment practices, e.g., recruitment, promotion, probation and annual performance development review (max 250 words).
- In 2020, the University signed DORA and it has become embedded in our Research Strategy statements and the work of our Responsible Metrics Group and Open Research Group. In 2021, the University appointed a Dean for Research Culture and a Dean for Research Quality.
- We’ve recently launched our Research Culture Strategy that is overseen by a Research Culture Steering Group (Chaired by the Dean of Research Culture). Reporting into the Research Culture Steering Group there is a Research Culture Strategy Working Group, the Responsible Metrics Group and the Open Research Group.
Section 3: Open and Responsible Research Assessment – Planned Activity
Please outline any planned activity to address recognition and reward for open research within the context of research assessment reform (max 250 words).
- The University’s Open Research Strategic plan was reviewed in March 2023 and includes a number of key activities over the coming years.
- For example, we plan:
- to actively support expectation of open research as standard researcher practice in HR and career frameworks,
- to support and develop guidance to enable explicit inclusion in recruitment and promotion criteria, and
- to develop guidance for panel members and applicants.