'Better use of evidence by institutions, to improve research culture, rigour andtransparency'
The aim of this project is to produce a body of high-quality research that can be used to directly improve the use of evidence in institutional decision-making processes that affect research culture, which among other things will enhance the quality, rigour, transparency and social value of research through high-quality research.
Explore and compare the use of meta-research evidence in decision-making processes within HEIs around research culture.
Understand the similarities, differences and relationships between the meso- and micro-level of evidence use and decision making in research culture within HEIs
Improve the use of evidence in institutional decision-making processes affecting research cultures.
This project has been funded by the Wellcome Trust.
UKRN Project Updates
UKRN STAR and METEOR projects achieve significant milestone with completion of first interviews
Two UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN) research projects have reached significant milestones. The first interviews for STAR (Sustainable and TrAnsparent open Research data) and METEOR (METa-research for the Enhancement Of Research culture) have been completed. Setting...
STAR & METEOR Projects Introduced at UKRN Webinar
The STAR and METEOR projects were introduced at the most recent UKRN Webinar: Nurturing change through growing UKRN projects. Project Coordinator Rosalind Strang spoke about our plans for the projects, including why these projects are vital in the current environment...
UKRN Launches STAR and METEOR Projects
The UK Reproducibility Network is pleased to announce the launch of two new projects, working towards our vision of the UK research system being outstanding in conducting and promoting rigorous and transparent research. STAR – Sustainable & TrAnsparent Research...