UKRN Open Research Resources
Animations, Primers, Videos and Training Materials to Support Open ResearchBriefing and Training Resources | Open Access | Data Sharing | Open Software and Code | Pre-Prints | Pre-Registration
Briefing and Training Resources
- The animations are short, 2 min introductions to the open research practice and why a researcher might be interested in it.
- The videos are 10 min accounts by researchers of how the open research practice is relevant to them, and their experiences in adopting it.
- The primers are 3-4 page summary documents that describe the open research practice, why a researcher might be interested in it, how it can be adopted, and where to find further information.
- The documents listed under ‘Training Materials’ linked to the table below are a guide to the materials developed by UKRN in partnership with others (see the licensing information on the materials) to support ‘train the trainer’ workshops in five open research topics: open software / code, sharing research data, preregistration, preprints and open access to publications. The workshops have been iterated and revised twice and so should be a good basis, but will need to be adapted for any specific circumstances. They should be seen as the ingredients and the recipe, not the cake.