The UK Reproducibility Network, together with colleagues at the University of Glasgow, have been speaking to several UK funders about the possibility of configuring a formalised, and accredited, training course for PIs, postdoctoral researchers and postgraduate research students. The course is aimed at helping researchers attain competency in subject-specific scientific skills, health and safety, and research integrity and research culture issues.  It is our hope that such a course would improve the quality and reliability of UK research outputs.

We are carrying out a preliminary survey to determine where gaps in knowledge lie, as perceived by PIs, postdoctoral researchers and postgraduate research students. The survey is COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS and should take no more than ten minutes to complete. Please try to answer the questions as best you can without using the internet or other sources. This is the best way highlight gaps in knowledge. Please note that this training course will be developed initially for cell and molecular biology related sciences, which is why it is focused, in part, on this branch of science.

Survey link:

Thank you for your participation.