Training Schema

Training Schema Table October 2023

Priority Topic Research stage Delivery plans (scheduled/planned/needed)
1 Conducting open research consistent with relevant legal, ethical, and regulatory constraints Planning Scheduled
2 Research Co-production Planning Needed
3 Defining the data, code, or other evidence on which your research findings will be based on and how this will be managed and shared before the start of data collection and analysis Planning Scheduled
4 Transparent qualitative data practices Analysing Needed
5 Ensuring publications are Open Access Disseminating Scheduled
6 Using open source software created by others Analysing Scheduled
7 Guidelines for recognising the specific substantive contribution of everyone involved in a research project Planning Needed
8 Declaring conflicts of interest Disseminating Needed
9 My own data analysis is computationally reproducible Conducting Scheduled
10 Version control of research products (e.g., data, code, any other materials used in or generated as part of the research process) Conducting Scheduled
11 Preparing my own data, code, or other evidence according to FAIR principles Conducting Scheduled
12 Publishing pre-prints Disseminating Planned
13 Pre-registration of research protocols (may include registered reports) Planning Scheduled
14 Creating my own open source software/analysis code to share with others Conducting Scheduled
15 Guidelines for recruitment and interview panels on best practice for research evaluation Evaluating Needed
16 Open protocols and methods Disseminating Scheduled
17 Planning Impact Planning Scheduled
19 Open materials Disseminating Needed
20 Open data (including FAIR principles)* Disseminating Scheduled
21 Data visualisation Analysing Planned 
22 Data storage Conducting Needed
23 Data management plans Planning Scheduled
24 Consent for open data Planning Scheduled
25 Training for professional services staff (library, research mgt, IT, HR…): Other Needed
26 Open research statements required in applications for posts Incentive Structure Needed
27 Open research awards Incentive Structure Needed
28 Narrative CVs Incentive Structure Planned
29 Licensing data and code Disseminating Scheduled
30 Guidelines for responsible use of metrics Evaluating Needed
31 Guidelines for evaluating open research and reproducibility in peer review Evaluating Planned
32 Guidelines for embedding open research engagement into individual research assessment (e.g., annual appraisals) Incentive Structure Needed
33 Data analysis Analysing Scheduled
34 Use of repositories (e.g., OSF, Figshare, Zenodo, GitHub) Disseminating Scheduled
35 Use of preprint repositories Disseminating Needed
36 Intellectual property Planning Needed
37 Digital humanities Conducting Needed
38 Reproducible computational environments (e.g., Docker, Binder) Disseminating Scheduled
39 Publication strategies Planning Planned
40 Publication copyright and licencing Disseminating Planned
41 Patient and public involvement panels Planning Scheduled
42 ORCID identifiers Other Needed
43 Open code Analysing Scheduled
44 Handling risks in transparency (e.g., social media storms, trolls, etc.) Disseminating Scheduled
45 Guidelines for embedding open research engagement into promotions procedures Incentive Structure Needed
46 Ethics and risk-assessment Planning Scheduled
47 Electronic research notebooks (aka E-lab notebooks) Conducting Needed
48 Different challenges for different types of data (qualitative vs quantitative data; artefacts, creative recordings etc.) Analysing Scheduled
49 Code documentation Disseminating Scheduled
50 Open source hardware Conducting Scheduled

* Note that these topics are the priority topics for which institution-level indicators will be piloted in the Open Research Programme and, if successful, may be rolled out to all partners. [data access statements, sharing data, preregistration, use of CRediT etc]

For queries Sarah Callaghan